
Gravel E-Bike vs. All-Terrain E-Bike: Wie wählt man das Richtige?

Gravel E-Bikes eignen sich für gemischtes Terrain und bieten Komfort auf Schotterwegen, während All-Terrain E-Bikes durch ihre robuste Bauweise und Vollfederung in extremem Gelände überzeugen. Je n...
Die Elektro-Revolution im Gelände: Das Abenteuer mit All-Terrain E-Bikes erleben

Die Elektro-Revolution im Gelände: Das Abenteuer mit All-Terrain E-Bikes erleben

All-Terrain E-Bikes, auch als Fat-Tire Electric Mountain Bikes bekannt, revolutionieren das Offroad-Radfahren durch elektrische Unterstützung und spezialisierte Designs. Sie bieten robuste Rahmen, ...
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E-Biken im Winter – Darauf solltest du achten

Im Winter müssen E-Bike-Nutzer besondere Vorsicht beim Laden ihrer Bikes walten lassen. Beschädigte Kabel, Feuchtigkeit und extreme Kälte erhöhen das Risiko von Kurzschlüssen und Bränden. Eine ausr...
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Essential Care Tips For Maintaining Your E-bike Motor

Take care of your e-bike motor by protecting it from moisture, regular cleaning and drying, secure storage, and careful maintenance. Avoid overheating and follow the manufacturer's maintenance sche...
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How to Keep Your Electric Bike from Overheating

E-bikes can overheat due to various reasons, including high environmental temperatures, heavy loads, and demanding terrain. Taking regular breaks, maintaining moderate speeds, and using cooling tec...
E-Bike Sensors: Everything You Need to Know

E-Bike Sensors: Everything You Need to Know

Discover the functionality and differences of torque and cadence sensors in e-bikes to choose the ideal riding experience with electric assistance.
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How to Protect Your E-Bike from Theft

Safeguard your e-bike with top locks, GPS, and smart habits to deter theft. Explore how tech, vigilance, and insurance can enhance security and maintenance, making e-bikes a savvy urban commute cho...
Lemmo One

Laws and Regulations Regarding E-Bikes in Germany

Explore this guide to discover the essential E-Bike regulations in Germany, ensuring a safe and compliant ride with your electric bicycle.
E-Bike Mid-Drive Motor vs. Hub Motor: Which One is Better?

E-Bike Mid-Drive Motor vs. Hub Motor: Which One is Better?

Experience everything about the operating conditions between the engines and the bicycles with E-Bikes, to find the ideal model for your comfort and comfort.